What are we planning for September 2023 in GDP?


What are we planning for September 2023 in GDP?

The holiday season comes to an end with beautiful weather. Rested and motivated, we return to intensive work, because this year we still have many challenges and interesting events ahead of us. What is the plan for September at GAMM-BUD?

New products in the offer of Green Dragon Products! This month we present two new products for the water and sewage sector! One already seen by some of you, but currently on sale and available immediately – heads for cleaning wells. Strong, effective and failure-free, they have already found customers who have been waiting for them.

You can find out more about the manhole cleaning head here: https://gamm-bud.pl/en/products/manhole-cleanin…

Another product and a complete novelty in GDP is the OERTZEN Mobil 500 high-pressure washer. The washer joined our offer due to its excellent parameters and work efficiency, as well as universal use. Detailed description: https://gamm-bud.pl/en/products/high-pressure-w…

Be sure to check out the entire offer by clicking HERE.

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